
What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。


左继君,1951年出生于江苏省沛县。中共党员,本科文凭,徐州医科大学毕业后留校从事医学教育及管理工作,高级职称。现为国家高级书法师,书法非遗传承人,权希军入室弟子,中华英才融媒体中心联盟理事会副理事长。中国老年书画研究会会员,中国硬笔书法协会会员,国家一级书法师,香港文联书法家协会理事,北京书法家协会会员,清华大学羙术学院客座教授,丶全国书画艺术委员会副主席。北京胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心副主.席。中国楹联学会书法研究会会员并聘为楹联学会书画艺术院书法系教授。中国书画联谊会会员既新文艺群体书画工作委员会理事,副秘书长,北京京华阁书画院副院长。中国人物界特聘艺术顾问,孔子美术馆客座教授。联墨 [济宁] 艺术品鉴定中心书画专家。哈佛艺术学院荣誉院士等。

自幼喜爱书法,研习书法数十年,笔耕不辍,对二王、张旭、怀素、王铎、孙过庭、黄庭坚临摹尤勤。在多年书法实践中能博采众家之长,法古而不泥古形成了自己的风格。字体优雅飘逸,灵动错落有致,诨然一体柔中见刚,.i大气充满神韵。曾在中国书法导报, 书法报 《银潮杂志》,《中国民族博览杂志》,《办公室业务杂志》,《艺术市埸杂志》,《中国美术杂志》,《魂力中国—当代书画艺术精品典藏》(珍藏版国礼卷),《中国最具影响力书画名家》[中国教育出版社],《新中国国礼艺术大师》[中国文化出版社],《2020国际中国公益事业大典》[cctv书画专刊],《中国书画艺术典大成》[中国文化出版社],《中国艺术榜样年鉴》,《画卷中国》,《企业收藏书画指南》,《弟子规》,巜中华英才》《人民艺术家》《荣宝斋》等处发表。入编美术档案出版社《中国艺坛榜样人物》,并授予当代艺术榜样人物。作品获奖入展:第五届全国老年书法大赛入展作品。荣获:2018年两次获“翰墨风华杯”全国诗书画大奖赛金奖;两次获“四海杯”全国大奖赛金奖;“唐诗宋词杯”全国书画大奖赛金奖;“盛世东方杯”全国大奖赛金奖;第三届“东方红伟人颂”全国大奖赛金奖;“楚韵翰墨杯”全国大奖赛铜奖;第七届、第八届“中国梦想杯”全国大奖赛金奖特别金奖;第十届“羲之杯”当代诗书画家邀请赛金奖;中国当代文艺精品鉴赏获特等奖;“中华颂杯”庆中华70周年书法名家全国大赛金奖,同时授予“人民杰出的艺.1f术家”称号;全国第三届“一带一路.中华国礼杯”书画大赛金奖;全国“琅琊杯”书画大赛金奖;十九届“庐山杯”全国书画大赛金奖;“中朝韩书画名人大辞典”评选荣获金奖;“我爱中华杯”全国书画大赛金奖。书法报社第十三届中国重阳书画展金奖等。忠孝千秋——纪念颜真卿诞辰1310周年全国书法大展获金奖并授予“中国当代杰出书法家”; 友爱和平笫二届中日书画名家艺术交流展,日方政府授予“中日文化特使”称号。新时代中国书画领军人物。全国诗书画家创作年会获一等奖并授予2019年全国诗书画精英人物。2020国际中国公益事业大典授予2019年度国际中国艺坛领军人物。中国中外名人文儿研究会授予“一代名家”;第四届中华杯全国书画大赛获特别金奖;多幅作品被文化旅游部推荐《大国艺术》进高铁展览。2021年参加“党的光辉照我心”——庆祝建党百年百名书画家作品邀请展。参加“聚焦经典,盛世丹青”——当代艺术名家邀请展。2022以来在北京民族文化宫、荣宝斋差术馆丶政协文史馆中国国家画院丶中国老年书画家研究会展监馆等全国书画展。权希军罗扬邵大箴单国强等大师对其作品给于高度评价。作品《念奴娇. 过洞庭》被中国国家博物馆收藏。《柳永词望海潮》被中国美术馆收藏,巜陶渊明饮酒诗》被徐悲鸿艺术馆收藏。《与古为新,气韵神足》书法作品被新华网、人民网等多家主站首发。入编美术档案出版社编辑制作的《中国艺坛榜样人物》大型精品水晶琉璃册并被各国驻华使馆收藏。入选中国老年书画研究会二十大书画展并收藏。被央视在线,感动中国评审委员会*等评为感动中国2023年度人物,五环艺术家,最受企业欢迎的艺术家。




Zuo Jijun was born in Peixian County, Jiangsu Province in 1951. Member of the Communist Party of China, bachelor's degree, after graduating from Xuzhou Medical University, he stayed in medical education and management, with a senior title. He is now a senior national calligrapher, a non-genetic inheritor of calligraphy, a disciple of Quan Xijun, and a vice chairman of the Board of Directors of the China Talent Integration Media Center Alliance. Member of China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, member of China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, national first-class calligrapher, director of the Hong Kong Federation Calligraphers Association, member of Beijing Calligraphers Association, visiting professor of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, and vice chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Arts Committee. Deputy Director of Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center. Xi. Member of the Calligraphy Research Association of the China Couplet Society and was hired as a professor in the Calligraphy Department of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Couplet Society. Members of the China Calligraphy and Painting Association are both directors, deputy members of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the New Literary and Art Groups, and the vice president of Beijing Jinghuage Calligraphy and Painting Academy. He is a special art consultant in the Chinese figure world and a visiting professor at the Confucius Art Museum. Lianmo [Jining] Art Appraisal Center calligraphy and painting expert. Honorary Fellow of Harvard Academy of Arts.

I have loved calligraphy since I was a child. I have studied calligraphy for decades, and I have been working hard. I have copied the two kings, Zhang Xu, Huai Su, Wang Duo, Sun Guoting and Huang Tingjian. In many years of calligraphy practice, I can learn from the strengths of many families, and the ancient but ancient Dharma has formed its own style. The font is elegant and elegant, flexible and staggered, and the gag is soft and strong, and the .i atmosphere is full of charm. He has been published in China Calligraphy Guide, Calligraphy Newspaper Silver Tide Magazine, China Ethnic Expo Magazine, Office Business Magazine, Art Market Magazine, China Fine Arts Magazine, Soul Power China - Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Boutique Collection (Collector's Edition National Gift Volume), China's Most Influential Calligraphy and Painting Masters [China Education Publishing House], New China National Etiquette Art Master [China Culture Publishing House], 2020 International China Public Welfare Ceremony [cctv Calligraphy and Painting Special Issue], Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Ceremony Dacheng [Chinese Culture Publishing House], Chinese Art Model Yearbook, Picture Scroll China, Enterprise Collection Calligraphy and Painting Guide, Disciple Rules, Chinese Talents, People's Artist, Rongbaozhai, etc. He was compiled into the Art Archives Publishing House "Chinese Art Model Characters" and awarded contemporary art role models. Works won the exhibition: the works of the 5th National Elderly Calligraphy Competition. Won: the gold medal of the "Tang Mo Fenghua Cup" National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Grand Prix twice in 2018; the Gold Award of the "Four Seas Cup" National Grand Prix twice; the Gold Award of the "Tang Poetry and Song Ci Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Grand Prix; the Gold Award of the "Shengshi Oriental Cup" National Grand Prix; the gold medal of the third "Ode to the Great Man of the Oriental Red" National Grand Prix; the bronze medal of the "Chu Yun Calligraphy Cup" National Grand Prix; the special gold medal of the 7th and 8th "China Dream Cup" National Grand Prix; the gold medal of the "Xizhi Cup" Contemporary Poetry and Calligraphy and Painters Invitational Competition; the special prize of China's Contemporary Literature and Art Boutique Appreciation Gold Award of the Chinese Gift Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition; Gold Award of the National "Nirvana in Fire" Calligraphy and Painting Competition; Gold Award of the 19th "Lushan Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition; Gold Award of "Chinese, Korean Calligraphy and Painting Celebrity Dictionary" Selection; Gold Award of "I Love China Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. The 13th China Double Ninth Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Gold Award of Calligraphy Newspaper, etc. Loyalty and Filial Piety - The National Calligraphy Exhibition, commemorating the 1310th anniversary of Yan Zhenqing's birth, won the gold medal and was awarded the "Chinese Contemporary Outstanding Calligrapher"; the 2nd Sino-Japanese Calligrapher and Painter Art Exchange Exhibition, and the Japanese government awarded the title of "Chinese and Japanese Cultural Envoy". A leading figure in Chinese calligraphy and painting in the new era. The National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painter Creation Annual Conference won the first prize and was awarded the 2019 National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Elite. The 2020 International China Public Welfare Ceremony was awarded to the international leaders in China's art industry in 2019. The Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Literature Research Association awarded "a generation of celebrities"; the 4th China Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Competition won a special gold medal; many works were recommended by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to enter the high-speed rail exhibition. In 2021, participate in the "Glory of the Party Shines on My Heart" - an invitation exhibition to celebrate the works of 100 calligraphers and painters celebrating the founding of the Party. Participate in "Focus on Classics, Prosperity" - Invitation from famous contemporary artists

Please show. Since 2022, there have been national calligraphy and painting exhibitions in Beijing National Culture Palace, Rongbao Zhai Arts Museum, CPPCC Literature and History Museum, China National Painting Academy, China Elderly Calligrapher and Painter Research Association Exhibition Supervision Hall, etc. Quan Xijun, Luo Yang, Shao Dazhen, Shan Guoqiang and other masters spoke highly of his works. The work Nian Nujiao. "Gong Dong Ting" is collected by the National Museum of China. Liu Yong's Ci Wang Hai Tide is collected by the National Art Museum of China, and Tao Yuanming's Drinking Poems is collected by Xu Beihong Art Museum. The calligraphy works of "New with the Ancients" have been first published by Xinhuanet, People's Daily Online and other main stations. It has been compiled into the large-scale boutique crystal glaze book of "Chinese Art Role Models" edited and produced by the Art Archives Publishing House, which has been collected by embassies in China. Selected into the 20 major calligraphy and painting exhibitions of the China Senior Calligraphy and Painting Research Association and collected. He was rated as the 2020 Person of the Year by CCTV Online, the Moving China Review Committee*, the artist of the Five Rings, and the most popular artist in enterprises.

Home Address: Room 19-1, Block A, Zhongfang Garden, No. 34 Fengming Road, Quanshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Postal code: 221000

Tel: 159996992390


Appreciation  of  Zuo Jijun's art  works


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art


Zuo Jijun Art



