

What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。


Introduction to celebrities

司徒惠霞,现为中国女书画家联盟常务理事画家,《文化强国》栏目首批高级智库高级研究员,中企联盟(北京)信息科学研究院副院长,央广文化交流艺术委员会副主席,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长。出生于广东开平,一个融合中西文化风格,具有浓郁艺术 氛围的碉楼之乡——古镇赤坎。自幼受到老一辈艺术家司徒乔,司徒杰等影响 ,酷爱绘画造型艺术,尤其对油画,水粉,水彩,白描,国画人物画痴迷,绘画中讲求结构 ,用色,用光,笔触,国画工意并用,旨在达到形神兼备,不断尝试创新。司徒惠霞老师酷爱绘画造型艺术,尤其对油画,水粉,水彩,白描,国画人物画痴迷,绘画中讲求结构 ,用色,用光,笔触,国画工意并用,旨在达到形神兼备,不断尝试创新。自少年起就不断参加各类艺术活动,画展,注重全面艺术修养,用心观摩中外绘画名家作品,逐步进入个性创作状态;近年积极参与各地大型艺术绘画展览的创作与活动,获得好评。

2016 年作品《花季年华》入选《纪念红军长征胜利八十周年》画展。

2016 年作品《惠安女》参展《首届中国当代女书画家代表作品展》。

2017 年作品《苗家小妹》参展《第二届中国当代书画名家代表作品展暨女书画家代表作品展》。

2018 年作品《丰年乐》参展《第三届中国当代书画名家代表作品展暨女书画家代表作品展》。

2019 年作品《苗乡小花》参展庆祝改革开放 40 周年暨北京红森尚艺画院成立十周年全国书画展,作品被藏家永久收藏。

2019 年作品《祈福万家》入选第二届中国佛教题材书画名家代表作品慈善展 。

2020 年《老战友》《苗岭姑娘》将参展第三届中华之光(大千杯)全国书画作品展。

2020 年国画《出征》速写《钟南山院士写照》参与开平市,江门市抗疫美术作品线上展。

2020 年作品《福聚》被中国美术馆收藏。

2021 年作品《出征》被中国国家博物馆收藏。

2021 年,作品征用于中国邮政发行的集邮册、日本国邮政通用邮票和邮集、欧洲 4 国邮政通用邮票和邮集。 2021 年作品《荷花别样红》被多哥大使馆收藏。

2021 年 3 月 北京 2021 年 3 月 北京 应邀参加 CCTV 举办的《中国艺术家新春联欢晚会》。

2021 年 10 月 山东曲阜 应邀参加 CCTV 举办《建国百年全国优秀艺术名家颁奖盛会》。

2021 年 10 月 入选北京地铁《艺术中国》主题巡展活动,作为艺术家代表亮相地铁 1、2、3、5、8、10、13 号线,八通线,穿越长安街,向祖国致敬。

2021 年 10 月作品被征用于欧洲等 4 国(荷兰,新西兰,芬兰,卢森堡)通用邮票,为传扬中华文化尽一份力。

2021 年 10 月 深圳 作品《全力以赴,为生命而战》参加深圳市“守护健康家园,共创无疫小区”线上展览。

2021 年 11 月山东作品《荔园乐》《回望长街》入选山东曲阜子曰美术馆《水墨巨匠,当代百位杰出艺术家邀请展》。

2021 年 12 月 北京 作品《荔园乐》《回望长街》入选“北京新丝路美术馆”的《百年辉煌中国书画名家迎新展》。

2021 年 12 月 北京 入选《中华英才》半月刊社媒体中心举办的“是丰碑,也是新起点”人物风采网络媒体报道,展示艺术风采。

2021 年 12 月北京 应《神州杂志》社邀请,入编神州杂志专刊《一代巨匠》。

2022 年 2 月 日本 作品《荔园乐》应《琦玉美术馆》邀请,参加《中日建交 50 周年迎新春艺术交流展》。 2022 年 6 月《贵州老人头像》由徐悲鸿美术馆收藏以上各次展览作品都入画册及宣传画册,获得大家好评。


Situ Huixia, now the executive director and painter of the China Women Calligraphers and Painters Alliance, is the first batch of senior think tanks in the "Cultural Power" column.Level Researcher, Vice President of the Information Science Research Institute of China Enterprise Alliance (Beijing), Vice Chairman of CCTV Cultural Exchange Art Committee Xi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Jacaranda Association. Born in Kaiping, Guangdong Province, a Chinese and Western cultural style is integrated.Ge, the hometown of a tower with a strong artistic atmosphere - the ancient town of Chikan. Since childhood, he has been influenced by the older generation of artists Situ Qiao, SiTujie and other influences, love painting and plastic arts, especially obsessed with oil painting, gouache, watercolor, white painting, traditional Chinese painting figure painting.The painting emphasizes the use of structure, color, light, brush strokes, and traditional Chinese painting. It aims to achieve both shape and god, and constantly try.Innovation. Mr. Situ Huixia loves painting and plastic arts, especially oil painting, gouache, watercolor, white painting, and traditional Chinese painting characters.Obsession with painting, painting emphasizes structure, color, light, brush strokes, and traditional Chinese painting, aiming to achieve both shape and gods.Prepare, keep trying to innovate. Since I was a teenager, I have continuously participated in various art activities and painting exhibitions, paying attention to comprehensive artistic cultivation.Cultivate, carefully observe the works of famous Chinese and foreign painters, and gradually enter the state of personality creation. In recent years, I have actively participated in various places.The creation and activities of the art and painting exhibition have been well received.

In 2016, his work "Flower Season" was selected into the exhibition "Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March".

In 2016, the work "Hui'an Women" participated in the "First Exhibition of Representative Works of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters".

2017 work "Little Sister of the Miao Family" participated in the exhibition of the Second Exhibition of Representative Works of Famous Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters and Women's Books Exhibition of painters' representative works.

2018 work "The Happy New Year" participated in the exhibition of the Third Exhibition of Representative Works of Famous Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting and Women's Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of family representative works.

The 2019 work "Miaoxiang Xiaohua" participated in the exhibition to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and the establishment of Beijing Hongsen Shangyi Painting Academy.On the 10th anniversary of the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, the works are permanently collected by collectors.

In 2019, the work "Blessing Ten Thousand Families" was selected into the Second Charity Exhibition of Representative Works of Famous Chinese Buddhist Calligraphy and Painting.

In 2020, "Old Comrades-in-arms" and "Miaoling Girl" will participate in the 3rd National Calligraphy and Painting of China Light (Thousand Cups) Exhibition of works.

In 2020, the traditional Chinese painting "The Expedition" sketched "A Portrait of Academician Zhong Nanshan" to participate in Kaiping City, Jiangmen Anti-epidemic Art Online exhibition of works.

The 2020 work "Fuju" was collected by the China Art Museum.

The 2021 work "The Expedition" was collected by the National Museum of China.

In 2021, the works were collected for stamp albums issued by China Post, Japan Post definitive stamps and stamps,European 4 Post Definitive Stamps and Stamp Collectories. The 2021 work "The Lotus is Differently Red" was collected by the Togolese Embassy.

March 2021 Beijing March 2021 Beijing was invited to participate in the "Chinese Artist New" held by CCTV.Spring Festival Gala.

In October 2021, Qufu, Shandong Province was invited to participate in the CCTV "National Outstanding Artist Award for the Centenary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China"The grand event.

In October 2021, it was selected into Beijing Metro Art China "Themed tour activity, as an artist's representative Xiang Metro Lines 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13 and Batong Lines cross Chang'an Street to pay tribute to the motherland.

The October 2021 work was requisitioned for universal mail in 4 countries including Europe (Netherlands, New Zealand, Finland, Luxembourg) Votes, do their part to spread Chinese culture.

In October 2021, Shenzhen's work "All out to fight for life" participated in Shenzhen's "Protecting a Healthy Home".Create an epidemic-free community online exhibition.

In November 2021, Shandong's works "Liyuanle" and "Looking Back at Changjie" were selected as the "Water" of the Art Museum of Qufuzi, Shandong Province.Mo Ju Jiang, an invitation exhibition of 100 outstanding contemporary artists.

In December 2021, Beijing's works "Liyuanle" and "Looking Back at Long Street" were selected into the "Beijing New Silk Road Art Museum" A Hundred Years of Brilliant Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Welcome to the New Exhibition.

In December 2021, Beijing was selected into the semi-monthly magazine Media Center of "Chinese Talent" held "It's a monument, and it's also "New starting point" character demeanor online media report, showing artistic demeanor.

In December 2021, Beijing was invited by Shenzhou Magazine to edit the special issue of Shenzhou Magazine, "A Generation of Giant Craftsman".

February 2022 Japan's work "Liyuanle" was invited by the Saitama Art Museum to participate in the 50-week establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan.New Year's Art Exchange Exhibition. In June 2022, "The Avatar of the Old Man in Guizhou" was collected by Xu Beihong Art Museum.The works of the exhibition were included in the album and brochure, which was well received by everyone.

Due to their unique artistic sensibility and organizational ability, it should be about many famous artists to make painting comments and each Planning of art exhibitions, enthusiastically building bridges for the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, and planning exhibitions in mainland China and Hong Kong for many Chinese artists.From it, it harvests the positive energy on the road of art, takes its essence, and gradually establishes a unique personal style.


Appreciation  of  Situ Huixia's art  works


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


Situ Huixia Art


